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15 years 6 months

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On Rail

I just wanted to correct one glaring inaccuracy. Saying that rail will be irrelevent because of automated driving is both ridiculous and false.

While paying millions for a new train station doesn't sound like smart policy, simply ignoring a mode of transit that can move 600 people (and take 450-ish cars off the road) at once should not be trivialized. Southeast Michigan needs more alternatives for commuting, not fewer.

If everyone has a driverless vehicle it will lead to crippling congestion: there is only so much capacity on a road. Autonomous operations will only work if it shifts behavior toward shared rides that connect to multi-modal hubs ... like train stations.


I'm slightly confused by your comments about the Bruce Hooley firing. You're impressed with the station? Or impressed with Hooley's work?


Ice Cube ...


Clearly you aren't a Law & Order SVU fan, Brian.

I wish these posts

came with a little summary of where things are in the big picture, of where the team stands. 

Anyone care to help me figure this out? How does it look? Salvageable? Grim? See you in 2012???

Just wondering ...

He seems, dare I say ...

.... good? Like, just a good, natural fit here?

I like him.




He better win.

He teared up ... ended with

"Go Blue!"

Kind of Hoke-y, huh?



......Once it hits your lips ...

I'm sincerely hoping we can keep these

"Michigan Football almost wins national championship" posts around for a few more years.

Oh hai

lets not make money k? thnx!



Speaking of soccer ...

Does anyone know where I may be able to purchase a Michigan kit?

That would be a prized, prized possession ....  I can't find one anywhere.

Brian, will you autograph

my laptop?


U2 Groupies

Brian is moving on up

to the East Side.

Anyone else

get a little dust in their eye with the montage?

If you see that

sanctimonious shit Brian, tell him hello for me.

Perfectly stated

Also: the URL for this is "get-kids," which creepy.




I'm assuming you were watching in a bar. How did the reaction there compare with Ireland-Germany 2002?

Anyone else remember

that Brian kind of called this? He said this match was like 2002 Ireland-Germany. That game was also decided in stoppage.


Anyone have video of that?

Or can you point me in the right direction?!


At least he has Kitier Katba

to make him feel better.

Yea, I started running already.

Even after being smoke free for (at the time) two weeks, I was able to run a mile without hacking up tar. Also started playing soccer two nights a week and softball two nights a week.

Feels much better.

I'm gonna stub out this little pun chain

before you guys make a bunch of ashes out of yourselves.

Thanks man, yea, I definitely

stabbed a few people.



Braylon Edwards

does not like to be tickled.

Because of the inane system

of getting one point for post.

"...once in a thread

that I suspect was written specifically to draw me out."

You doubt my motives?

Also, yes.


Looks like someone

is familiar with the concept of a weed carrier.




I see.

You mean .. What could they do to them?

Or what could they do to them to make them better?

To answer the first question, adidas could do a lot.

To answer the second question, in my opinion, nothing.

How is that, in any way,

relevant to what we're talking about in this thread?

It doesn't make any sense that adidas

would change the road jerseys after only two years.

You gotta think that they're new home jerseys.

Sorry, Brian

didn't mean to step on you with my forum post.

Dude, can you please get that thing

off my screen?


Martell Webb?

It's almost sad

you have to warn people your opinion of Tressel is respectful.

Who doesn't respect him? He's not an arrogant sunbitch like Weiss was (is?) ... and he's not a moronic prick like Dantonio.

I simply hate him because he keeps beating us.

But I definitely respect him.

(No subject)

Yes, but, when it really counts

he'll probably miss the tissue.

So, wait, it includes

all the games ... AND it includes homecoming?

I'm on Day 12

of quitting smoking and am considering stabbing every one.

This, however, made my day. Breathe easier, friends and collegaues.

Here's an old one for you gentlemen,

If I had a dollar

for every "hypothetical" thread that has or will pop up on this board during the next five months I would ....

... well honestly it will only be a couple hundred dollars, but still.

I don't think

we've talked about this yet.

That sucks.

Conor O'Neils will have it on for certain.

Should be on

Fox Sports Detroit.


Also, try: GOOGLE

I linked it for you.

Also obvious:

David from Wyoming ≠ Donovan Warren

Also undrafted:

1. London Fletcher

2. Antonio Gates

3. Jeff Saturday

4. Wes Welker

5. Priest Holmes

6. Warren Moon

7. Kurt Warner

Answer: No one is. I'm certainly not.

I just throw things out there and I thought this was an interesting discussion piece.

You're right though, we should probably just have a few more posts on Big 10 expansion and what everyone thinks of that, yes?